Dahlia Care

Dahlia Tuber Care

Plant your dahlia tubers after your last frost date and once the soil warms to 55-60 degrees. A good rule of thumb is to plant when you would plant your tomatoes and peppers.

Choose a location that receives at least 8 hours of full sun.

Plant your tuber in fertile soil that is well draining. We like to add compost and a slow-release pelleted fertilizer.

Plant your tuber horizontally 4-6 inches deep with the eye/sprout facing up. Dahlias can get tall and will require some kind of support so they don’t fall over. If you wanted to add a stake, insert it in the hole next to your tuber during planting time.

Plant your tubers 18-24 inches apart.

Do not water until the first sprout emerges above ground.

Once green shoots appear we start to water regularly and apply Sluggo Plus to protect the young plants from slugs, snails, and earwigs (as they develop hiding places).

Once the plant reaches about one foot tall, pinch out the stem above a set of leaves. This will encourage the plant to send up more stems and blooms!

Cut blooms and remove dead ones to encourage your plant to send up more blooms and also put energy into making tubers.

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